As we close out 2019 and enter 2020 we reflect on the great friends, colleagues and projects we had the good fortune to work on this past year. We thank you for being part of great success both on and off “the field”. We believe 2020 will become an exceptional year for the imposition of corporate accountability and the protection of the American citizen and consumer. We will continue to commit Wyoming Health Watch to bringing you critical information we learn in litigations across the country with the hope that together we can prevent a catastrophe.
~Jason Ochs
Please search “Wyoming Health Watch” to listen to our many informative podcasts on Spotify and Apple iTunes.
The top three civil litigations of 2019 and those we believe will be the top two to watch as we enter 2020
Our firm was very fortunate to be a part of the top three most impactful civil litigations of 2019 that imposed the greatest corporate responsibility on behalf of American consumers and citizens. These litigations began with the Opioid epidemic and ended with the largest mass shooting in American history. Additionally, we are involved in what we believe will be the two largest areas of litigation most closely watched entering 2020. Learn more and share our end of the year podcast here:
Is second-hand vaping dangerous?
Thanks to many of you who have shared stories of your children regarding the challenges they face with vaping in their schools. In learning that many of our youth in middle school and high school are undertaking every effort possible to avoid vaping many of you have asked “is second-hand vaping dangerous”? We set out to answer this question. Get the answer here and share this one-of-a-kind podcast:
She was 5. You were doing 50.
As many of you schedule a ski or snowboard vacation this winter, please join us in promoting ski awareness and ski safety. The tragic story of Elise Johnson is helping bring safety awareness to ski areas across the country. We want to be a part of that effort. Please help us by sharing our podcast behind this heartbreaking story with the goal of making ski slopes across the country safer this winter. Listen and share our podcast here:
In 2016 rare earth magnets were legalized after having been illegal since 2011. Since then, over 1,000 reports of small children ingesting the rare earth metal magnets have been reported, many of which have caused horrific internal injuries. Please help us get the word out regarding these dangerous toys and lookout for our detailed podcast on this developing issue next week.